• Talking about your culture
  • helios
  • 24.07.2022
  • Weiterbildung
  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • A2, B1
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Introducing your country to random people

Talking about your country

Talking about your country is important, especially if people as you "Hey where are your from?". Intuitively, we would answer that by simply saying the name of the country. This will be the best answer most of the times. In some situations this might not be the best approach.  Imagine a situation where someone does not know anything about your country. The person you are talking to will be definitely confused when hearing an unknown country. In that situation, you might be asked more about the location of the country or some famous sights.

Let's look at Samuel's story first

Talking about your country is important, especially if people as you "Hey where are your from?". Intuitively, we would answer that by simply saying the name of the country. This will be the best answer most of the times. In some situations this might not be the best approach.  Imagine a situation where someone does not know anything about your country. The person you are talking to will be definitely confused when hearing an unknown country. In that situation, you might be asked more about the location of the country or some famous sights.

Let's look at Samuel's story first


Marie und Samuel Comic
Marie und Samuel Comic
Samuel does not know how to talk about his country. Help him by answering Marie's question. You can use the prases from below, as well as your home country.
Tell her....
  • the name of your country
  • the location
  • two famous sights
  • one typical dish

Ich komme aus....

Mein Land liegt in Asien, Europa, Amerika

Zwei berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten sind... und...

Ein bekanntes Gericht/Essen ist....

How could Samuels' story end? Will he be best friends with Marie? Please write the end of the dialogue with at least 100 words.
  • You can start off by using S: for samuel when he is going to say something ans M: when Marie is going to say something