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  • 03.05.2023
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Read the article about tech­no­lo­gy trends in 2021. Some parts are mis­sing. Choo­se the cor­rect part (A-I) for each gap (1-6). There is one extra part you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Tech­no­lo­gy Trends That Will Lead The Way In 2021

by Mark Schle­sin­ger. Jan 22, 2021

As we enter the new year, se­ve­r­al pro­mi­sing tech­no­lo­gies are poi­sed to lead the way by im­pro­ving how busi­nesses and con­su­mers  (0)___use and ex­pe­ri­ence__ the di­gi­tal world. Here are some of the most im­portant tech­no­lo­gies and (1)___________________ they will pro­vi­de in the year ahead.

5G Net­works

The (2) _________________________ of the mo­bi­le in­ter­net is going to bring the kind of speed most people as­so­ci­a­te with Wi-Fi to uploa­ding and down­loa­ding data from re­mo­te lo­ca­ti­ons. This will lead to (3) _________________________ in the way ap­pli­ca­ti­ons can be writ­ten, de­p­loy­ed and in­ter­ac­ted with by mo­bi­le users. This also in­clu­des the de­ve­lo­p­ment of data-​intensive ap­pli­ca­ti­ons and the In­ter­net of Things (IOT) — phy­si­cal ob­jects with sen­sors that con­nect to and share data with the in­ter­net, au­to­no­mous ve­hicles and si­mi­lar pro­jects. Fas­ter data trans­mis­si­on com­bi­ned with in­creased band­width will be a pow­er­ful ca­ta­lyst for in­no­va­ti­on.


There’s an in­crea­sing focus on using data-​driven po­li­cing and fin­ding dif­fe­rent ways of dea­ling with (4) ____________________________________. At the same time, con­su­mers are much more aware of vul­ne­ra­bi­li­ties, how breaches hap­pen and the im­pacts as­so­ci­a­ted with them.

As busi­nesses be­co­me more di­gi­tal, the growth rate of the data and con­tent being crea­ted is si­gni­fi­cant. Ac­cor­ding to Gart­ner, ne­ar­ly 70% of busi­nesses will en­ga­ge in per­so­nal data ar­chi­ving, a rapid jump from 10% in 2018. As a re­sult, data-​driven tech­no­lo­gies will be a big growth area. This in­creases the im­por­tance of en­su­ring new tech­no­lo­gies are being de­ve­lo­ped that pro­tect data as busi­nesses grow their di­gi­tal foot­print.

At the same time, se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­nies are buil­ding ana­lytics to iden­tify at­tacks in pro­gress or breaches that have al­re­a­dy hap­pen­ed. They are also loo­king for (5) _________________________ so that the ow­ners of that data can react as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.

Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence Ser­vices

Ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence is ra­pid­ly gai­ning a foo­thold in the cor­po­ra­te world, with over half (54%) of fi­nan­cial ser­vices firms plan­ning to in­crease in­vest­ments in AI, ac­cor­ding to my com­pa­ny's Next-​Gen Tech­no­lo­gy Sur­vey. That’s ex­pec­ted to lead to a huge in­crease in the num­ber of goods and ser­vices that are con­nec­ted to the in­ter­net and woven into the In­ter­net of Things. (6) ______________________________________ to de­ve­lop AI is very dif­fi­cult to ma­na­ge and ex­pen­si­ve. Cloud pro­vi­ders are in­crea­sing­ly pro­vi­ding AI as a ser­vice, so it’s no dif­fe­rent than using a pu­blic cloud pro­vi­der to stand up a Unix or Win­dows OS.

There will be growth in AI plat­form ser­vices that you can sub­scri­be to that pro­mi­se ease of use be­cau­se they’re al­re­a­dy con­fi­gu­red and up and run­ning. Users of the ser­vice can then focus on wri­ting their own uni­que code to solve their busi­ness pro­blems. This is chan­ging the way we write AI code and get­ting it to mar­ket quicker. It’s about ease of use, speed to mar­ket and agi­li­ty, and it’s al­most mu­tu­a­li­zing the com­mo­di­fied, non­dif­fe­ren­ti­a­ting pieces.

Data Ana­lytics

People now ge­ne­ra­te so much data that there is more of it than data ana­lysts can make use of with cur­rent tech­no­lo­gy. As data ana­lytics be­co­mes more of a pri­o­ri­ty, com­pa­nies are loo­king at how people in­ter­act with their availa­ble tech­no­lo­gy. Com­pa­nies that want to un­der­stand (7) ____________________________________ are loo­king at what so­cial media apps they visit most, what their pro­files say about them and what kinds of pic­tures they post.

There is a ten­si­on bet­ween con­su­mers who enjoy custo­mi­zed pro­ducts built th­rough ac­cess to their data and their pri­va­cy con­cerns. Con­su­mers are in­crea­sing­ly aware that their data has value to busi­nesses, and it’s es­pe­cial­ly im­portant to them that their data is ma­na­ged ap­pro­pri­a­te­ly. Ha­ving (8) _______________________________ is im­portant for how com­pa­nies ma­na­ge data. Com­pa­nies are re­a­li­zing that gi­ving custo­mers “pri­va­cy by de­sign” can make them more privacy-​friendly. This crea­tes a value pro­po­si­ti­on based on that trust. As com­pa­nies look at op­por­tu­nities to mo­ne­ti­ze data, is there an op­por­tu­ni­ty for in­di­vi­du­als to mo­ne­ti­ze their data, too? 2021 will cer­tain­ly be ano­ther year of firsts and un­k­nowns.

Source: https://www.for­bes.com/sites/for­be­stech­coun­cil/2021/01/22/technology-​trends-that-will-lead-the-way-in-2021/?sh=625440c3ca35 (28 June 2021)

A how their custo­mers make spen­ding de­ci­si­ons

B data breaches and cy­ber­at­tacks

C prac­ti­cal so­lu­ti­ons

D the in­fra­struc­tu­re and base code

E use and ex­pe­ri­ence

F data and as­sets on the dark web

G sharp im­pro­vements

H this trans­pa­ren­cy and trace­a­bi­li­ty

I fifth ge­ne­ra­ti­on

J how ha­ckers ope­ra­te

Re­flec­tion ques­ti­ons:
  • What was/is the func­tion of te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies?
  • Do these new tech­no­lo­gies still ful­fill that basic func­tion or has the field ex­pan­ded?
  • How do you think would a 5G net­work chan­ge people’s lives here in Aus­tria (min 4 points)?
Chan­ge the word class of the un­der­li­ned vo­ca­bu­la­ry items in the text. If necess­a­ry look up un­k­nown words in a dic­tio­n­a­ry. Ex­amp­le: to apply -> ap­pli­ca­ti­on

to poise  -> ________________________

to as­so­ci­a­te -> _____________________

a trans­mis­si­on -> __________________

to com­bi­ne -> ______________________

a ca­ta­lyst -> ________________________

a breach -> _________________________

to sub­scri­be -> __________________________

to con­fi­gu­re -> __________________________

to mu­tu­a­li­ze -> __________________________

the com­mo­di­fied -> _____________________

a pri­o­ri­ty -> ______________________________

to mo­ne­ti­ze -> ___________________________

Match the tech­ni­cal terms used in the text with the right ex­pla­na­ti­on.

1. The ap­pli­ca­ti­on of tech­no­lo­gies, pro­ces­ses and con­trols to pro­tect sys­tems, net­works, pro­grams, de­vices and data from cyber at­tacks.

2. A con­cept that in­te­gra­tes pri­va­cy so­lu­ti­ons in the early pha­ses of new de­vices, IT sys­tems, net­wor­ked in­fra­struc­tu­re to iden­tify any po­ten­ti­al pro­blems at an early stage.

3. The data trans­fer ca­pa­ci­ty of a com­pu­ter net­work in bits per se­cond.

4.  The sci­ence of ana­ly­zing raw data in order to make con­clu­si­ons about that in­for­ma­ti­on.

5. The pro­cess of using data to crea­te pro­fit.

6. The sys­tem of internet-​connected ob­jects that are able to collect and trans­fer data over a wire­less net­work.

a) data mo­ne­tiza­ti­on

b) band­width

c) In­ter­net of things

d) cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty

e) pri­va­cy by de­sign

f) data ana­lytics
