The American Revolution - What you need to knowon Youtube ( and fill in the blanks.
it led to and
the causes that the revolution represented - , , and - lay the foundations for .
The Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763) between and was a conflict about territory. It was won by the British.
New taxes where put on the colonists with the of 1765, the of 1767 and the of 1773 which led to increasingresentment because .
Further important events that fuelled resentment and led to an escalation into war were the in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party in 1773 when a group of Bostonians .
The First in 1774 issued a declaration of .
The first formal battle was the Battle of in the year .
The Second Continental Congress voted to . was the commander-in-chief.
On July 4, 1776, the was adopted.
The American victory at Saratoga in 1778 was crucial because .
This led to the colonists‘ coming out on top and eventually to the British signing the in 1783, in which they formally recognized .
It was a miracle because the colonists overcame the British imperial army and because of the triumph of over entrenched monarchical systems.
It brought a new kind of .
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