• The Educational System
  • Claudia123
  • 21.05.2023
  • Englisch
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Pri­va­te school teachers.

Your are tea­ching at a local pri­va­te school and you think this is the best school con­cept. Event­hough, you have to pay for the school, you still think the edu­ca­ti­o­nal sys­tem is way bet­ter.

Find ar­gu­ments that sup­port your claim. Gather them and pre­pa­re for a dis­cus­sion. Each one has to be pre­pa­red to be ran­dom­ly pi­cked.


  • What do you want?
  • How can you ju­stify your in­te­rests?
  • How can you ju­stify ne­gelc­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
  • How does your back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port your ar­gu­ments?
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Boar­ding school alum­ni

You have been a stu­dent at a boar­ding school in the past and have en­joy­ed your time there a lot. This is why you think that also other stu­dents should eype­ri­ence this kind of edu­ca­ti­o­nal sys­tem

Find ar­gu­ments that sup­port your claim. Gather them and pre­pa­re for a dis­cus­sion. Each one has to be pre­pa­red to be ran­dom­ly pi­cked.


  • What do you want?
  • How can you ju­stify your in­te­rests?
  • How can you ju­stify ne­gelc­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
  • How does your back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port your ar­gu­ments?
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Head­mas­ter of a com­pre­hen­si­ve school

You com­pre­hen­si­ve school does not dif­fe­ren­ti­a­te bet­ween dif­fe­rent le­vels of edu­ca­ti­on and in your opi­ni­on that is how the best re­sults are achie­ved. You think that also the pa­rents of fu­ture stu­dents should un­der­stand that!

Find ar­gu­ments that sup­port your claim. Gather them and pre­pa­re for a dis­cus­sion. Each one has to be pre­pa­red to be ran­dom­ly pi­cked.


  • What do you want?
  • How can you ju­stify your in­te­rests?
  • How can you ju­stify ne­gelc­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
  • How does your back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port your ar­gu­ments?
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Stu­dents at a coedu­ca­ti­o­nal school

All of your fri­ends go to a boys or girls only school, but you love the con­cept of ha­ving all gen­ders in one class toge­ther. Some might have trou­ble with that, but you don't!  

Find ar­gu­ments that sup­port your claim. Gather them and pre­pa­re for a dis­cus­sion. Each one has to be pre­pa­red to be ran­dom­ly pi­cked.


  • What do you want?
  • How can you ju­stify your in­te­rests?
  • How can you ju­stify ne­gelc­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
  • How does your back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port your ar­gu­ments?
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Dis­cus­sion lea­der

You are the host that leads the talk­show. Your task is to in­tro­du­ce the topic and pro­vi­de the state­ment that is the star­ting point of the dis­cus­sion. Du­ring the dis­cus­sion you need to give the word to the dif­fe­rent par­ties. Try and make the amount of their

spe­a­king time as equal as pos­si­ble. Also, if the con­ver­sa­ti­on gets too calm too quick­ly, ad­dress people/par­ties di­rect­ly and ask them to give their opi­ni­ons. Pre­pa­re for the dis­cus­sion by no­ting down use­ful phra­ses for the mo­de­ra­ti­on. Also, pre­pa­re the short in­tro­duc­tion and ques­ti­ons on the topic that you can ask if nee­ded.

Keep in mind: Do ask pro­vo­ca­tive­ly! For your pre­pa­ra­ti­on con­sider...

  • What do the dif­fe­rent par­ties want?
  • How can they ju­stify their in­te­rests?
  • How can they ju­stify ne­gelc­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
  • How does their back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port their ar­gu­ments?