• Unit 2: Class Test
  • anonym
  • 09.12.2024
  • Englisch
  • 6
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Lis­te­ning: Bon­fi­re Night

Adam and Mia meet and talk about Bon­fi­re Night. Read the sen­ten­ces below. Then lis­ten and tick (✓) true, false or not in the text.
8 / 8



Not in the text

1. The Gun­pow­der Plot took place in 1506.

2. People burn mo­dels of Guy Fawkes on the bon­fi­res.

3. Guy Fawkes was the only per­son plan­ning the Gun­pow­der Plot.

4. People often eat a spe­cial meal on Bon­fi­re Night.

5. Bon­fi­re Night is ce­le­bra­ted on No­vem­ber 5th.

6. Bon­fi­re Night is ce­le­bra­ted all over the world.

7. People ce­le­bra­te with fire­works du­ring Bon­fi­re Night ce­le­bra­ti­ons.

8. Adam and Mia go to the bon­fi­re in Devon park.

Lis­ten and tick (✓) the right ans­wer.
4 / 4
Where do Adam and Mia meet?
At which time do they meet?
Where do they buy drinks?
Why doesn´t Mia like fire­works?

Re­a­ding: Adopt a pet

Read the web­page ent­ries about the 4 pets. Match the pic­tures to the ent­ries. Write down the name of the ani­mal.
4 / 4

Max is a young, en­er­ge­tic puppy full of life. He loves to play fetch and go for long walks in the park. Max would do best in a home with an ac­ti­ve fa­mi­ly who can keep him en­ter­tai­ned. Max is a fri­end­ly puppy and gets along well with other dogs and child­ren.

Bella is a gent­le giant. As a Great Dane, she's a large dog, but her heart is even big­ger. She's very calm and loves lay­ing around on the couch or bed. Bella would be a won­der­ful fri­end for so­me­o­ne who en­joys a quiet life­style. She's al­re­a­dy house-​trained and gets along well with cats.

Oli­ver is a beau­ti­ful, black cat, that likes to keep to hims­elf. He pre­fers a quiet home and en­joys spen­ding his days in sunny and warm spots. Oli­ver is in­de­pen­dent but would like a fri­end­ly owner. He's not a fan of loud noi­ses or sud­den mo­vements.

Coco is a co­lor­ful par­rot who loves to chat and sing. She's very in­tel­li­gent and can learn new tricks and words. Coco would be a great pet for so­me­o­ne who en­joys bird­wat­ching and is wil­ling to spend time tea­ching her new things. She's a fri­end­ly bird and loves people.

People want to adopt some new pets. Cir­cle the name of the pet that fits the best.
4 / 4

I'm loo­king for a in­de­pen­dent com­pa­n­ion to keep me com­pa­ny in my quit home.

"We're an ac­ti­ve fa­mi­ly with kids who love the park.

Max -  Bella -  Coco -  Oli­ver

Max -  Bella -  Coco -  Oli­ver

We're a bird-​loving couple and have been se­ar­ching for a pet to add to our fa­mi­ly.

We live in a quiet neigh­borhood we're se­ar­ching for a gent­le big pet to be our loyal fri­end.

Max -  Bella -  Coco -  Oli­ver

Max -  Bella -  Coco -  Oli­ver

Read web­page ent­ries. Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces with words from the text.
8 / 8

1. The young,   Max is al­ways eager to play fetch and go for long   in the park with his fa­mi­ly.

2. As a   giant, Bella is a very calm and lo­ving dog who en­joys   around on the couch.

3. With his beau­ti­ful   fur, Oli­ver, the cat, pre­fers a quiet   to relax in.

4. The   Coco, a par­rot with bright feathers, is very   and loves to learn new things and in­ter­act with people.

Wri­ting: A let­ter to a fri­end

Write a let­ter to a fri­end. Write at least 8 sen­ten­ces and fol­low the struc­tu­re of a let­ter. Choo­se one topic to write about
12 / 12

Ad­op­ting a pet: You just adop­ted a pet and you want to tell your fri­end all about it.

Bon­fi­re Night: You just ce­le­bra­ted Bon­fi­re Night and want to tell your fri­end about the night and Guy Fawkes.

Lan­guage: Some or Any

Fill in the gaps with some or any.
5 / 5

1. I don't have   money.

2. There are   books on the shelf.

3. We need   eggs to make a cake.

4. Do you know   good re­stau­rants around here?

5. I didn't see   birds in the gar­den.

Deine Note und Rück­mel­dung:
/ 45

Spe­a­king: My neigh­bourhood

Talk about your street and your neigh­bourhood.
a) You can think about:
- What can you find in your neigh­bours
- What can you find in your street
- What is the name of your street?
- Shops
- Cafés and re­stau­rants
- Parks

b) Say what do you like or dis­li­ke about you neigh­bourhood.
Make some notes first:
Litt­le Hel­pers - use the sen­tence star­tes and vo­ca­bu­la­ry for help:

In my street ...

In my neigh­bourhood...

We have a ...

There’s a ...

We don’t have any ...

There are some ...

I like...

I don´t like...

park • let­ter box • mo­bi­le phone shop • ga­ra­ge • car park • su­per­mar­ket • bike shop • bus stops • traf­fic lights • shops • cafes • houses • flats

Spe­a­king: My Neigh­bourhood - Lö­sung


In­di­vi­du­el­le Lö­sung

In my street:

  • In my street, there is a let­ter box and a bus stop.

  • We don't have a car park in my street.

  • There are some houses and flats on my street.

  • There are a lot of houses on my street, but no flats.

  • There is a small park at the end of my street.

  • We have to cross the traf­fic lights to get to the su­per­mar­ket.

In my neigh­borhood:

  • In my neigh­borhood, there's a su­per­mar­ket and a bike shop.

  • There are se­ve­r­al cafes and shops in my neigh­borhood.

  • We don't have any mo­bi­le phone shops in my neigh­borhood.

  • There aren't many bike shops in my neigh­borhood.

  • There are a few cafes and re­stau­rants near my house.

  • I like to walk around the neigh­borhood and look at the dif­fe­rent houses.

  • I like that there's a small park in my street.

  • I like that we have a su­per­mar­ket and a few shops in my neigh­bourhood.

  • I like that there are se­ve­r­al bus stops near my house.

  • I like that my fri­end lives near me.

  • I don't like that there's a post of­fice right next to my house.

  • I don't like all the traf­fic on our street.

  • I don't like the su­per­mar­ket in my street.


Die Aus­spra­che und In­to­na­ti­on ist klar und ver­ständ­lich.


Die Ver­ständ­lich­keit und Klar­heit der Aus­spra­che und In­to­na­ti­on ist leicht ein­ge­schränkt.


Die Ver­ständ­lich­keit und Klar­heit der Aus­spra­che und In­to­na­ti­on ist leicht ein­ge­schränkt.



Sinn und Mit­tei­lungs­ab­sicht wer­den ohne Mühe er­kannt.


Sinn und Mit­tei­lungs­ab­sicht wer­den mit ge­rin­ger An­stren­gung er­kannt.


Sinn und Mit­tei­lungs­ab­sicht wer­den mit Mühe er­kannt.

