• Usefull phrases: BC
  • anonym
  • 11.03.2023
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Wenn du deine Mei­nung äu­ßern möch­test:

I think...

I be­lie­ve...

In my opi­ni­on...

I would say...

I'm sure...

Wenn du deine Mei­nung be­grün­den möch­test:

I think so be­cau­se...

Let me give you an ex­amp­le: ...

The re­a­son is...

Well, it's a fact that...

Wenn du je­man­dem zu­stim­men möch­test:

Yes, that's true.

I think you're right.

I agree (with you).

I think so, too.

That's a good/an im­portant point.

Wenn du je­man­dem wi­der­spre­chen möch­test:

I know, but...

Sorry, I don't agree with you.

I don't think so.

I don't think that's true.

Sorry, I can't be­lie­ve that.

I'm not sure if...

Wenn du nach­fra­gen möch­test:

Could you say that again, plea­se?

Do you mean that... ?

I don't quite un­der­stand what you mean.

Can you plea­se ex­plain what you mean?

Could you give me ano­ther ex­amp­le, plea­se?

Plea­se ex­plain what you mean.



The topic of our sta­ti­on is...

We (most­ly) tal­ked about the state­ment(s)...


Our most im­portant ar­gu­ments were...

We agreed/dis­agreed on...

The re­a­son for this is...

We (don't) think the state­ment... is true be­cau­se...


All in all...

To sum up, we think that...

Wenn du den Faden ver­lierst:

Just a mo­ment, plea­se.

Let me think for a se­cond.
