• Verneinungen Negative Satzformen Übung practice
  • HerrSauer
  • 17.04.2023
  • Englisch
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No, no, no...! Ne­ga­ti­ve forms

Write down the ne­ga­ti­ve forms of the verbs. Look at the ex­amp­le!
  • Ex­amp­les
    1. I eat break­fast every day.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: I don't eat break­fast every day.

    2. She al­ways stu­dies for her exams.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She doesn't al­ways study for her exams

  • Exer­ci­ses 1:
    1. I drink cof­fee in the mor­ning. I cof­fee in the mor­ning.
    2. He wat­ches TV after din­ner. He TV after din­ner.
    3. She lis­tens to music while she works. She to music while she works.
    4. They play ten­nis on the weekends. They ten­nis on the weekends.
    5. We eat din­ner at 6 pm. We din­ner at 6 pm.
    6. The sun rises in the east. The sun in the west.
    7. You take the bus to work. You the bus to work.
    8. The cat sleeps all day. The cat all day.
    9. We study Eng­lish on Mon­days. We Eng­lish on Mon­days.
    10. He exer­ci­ses at the gym. He at the gym.
    11. She brushes her teeth twice a day. She her teeth twice a day.
    12. They like to read books in their free time. They to read books in their free time.
    13. The train ar­ri­ves at 8 am. The train at 8 am.
    14. He plays video games after school. He video games after school.
    15. We al­ways say plea­se and thank you. We plea­se and thank you.
    16. She teaches math at the local high school. She math at the local high school.
    17. They walk their dog in the park every mor­ning. They their dog in the park every mor­ning.
    18. The store opens at 9 am. The store at 9 am.
    19. He cooks din­ner for his fa­mi­ly. He din­ner for his fa­mi­ly.
    20. She wears glas­ses to read. She glas­ses to read.

Write down the ne­ga­ti­ve forms of the verbs.
  • Exer­ci­ses 1:
    1. I eat pizza every Fri­day night.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: I pizza every Fri­day night.

    2. They are dancing at the party.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They at the party.

    3. She has tra­veled to Eu­ro­pe be­fo­re.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She to Eu­ro­pe yet.

    4. He went to the gym yes­ter­day.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: He to the gym yes­ter­day.

    5. We were wal­king in the park when it star­ted rai­ning.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: We in the park when it star­ted rai­ning.

    6. She will visit her fri­end next week.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She her fri­end next week.

    7. They are going to have a pic­nic to­mor­row.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They a pic­nic to­mor­row.

    8. We were stu­dy­ing for the test.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: We for the test all day.

    9. He had fi­nis­hed his ho­me­work be­fo­re going to bed.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: He his ho­me­work be­fo­re going to bed.

    10. They will be play­ing soc­cer this af­ter­noon.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They soc­cer this af­ter­noon.
  • Exer­ci­ses 2:
    1. She can speak French.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She French.

    2. They have been mar­ri­ed for 10 years.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They for 10 years.

    3. He does his ho­me­work after din­ner.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: He his ho­me­work after din­ner.

    4. I can run a mile in under 10 mi­nu­tes.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: I a mile in under 10 mi­nu­tes.

    5. She has a lot of fri­ends.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She a lot of fri­ends.

    6. They do yoga every mor­ning.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They yoga every mor­ning.

    7. He can play the gu­i­tar very well.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: He the gu­i­tar very well.

    8. We have seen that movie be­fo­re.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: We that movie be­fo­re.

    9. She does her laundry on Sun­days.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: She her laundry on Sun­days.

    10. They can swim in the lake.
    Ne­ga­ti­ve: They in the lake.
