• vocabulary exercise
  • anonym
  • 20.04.2024
  • Englisch
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Choo­se the cor­rect vo­ca­bu­la­ry item for each sen­tence
  • next to
    past High Street
    the midd­le of
    cross (2x)
    to the right


A: Ex­cu­se me, can you tell me where the post-​office is?

B: Of cour­se, you just go straight ahead and take a turn


A: Ex­cu­se me, how do I get to the ci­ne­ma?

B: You need to the street. Then you go . After that, it is right the re­stau­rant.


A: Ex­cu­se me, I want to go to the mu­se­um, but I got lost. Can you help me?

B: Of cour­se, the ci­ne­ma is in Hill Street. In order to reach it, you need to walk and the bridge.

Com­pa­re your choices with a part­ner after you are done!
