• Vorbereitung MSA GyO
  • J. Schmitz
  • 04.03.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Task: Write a com­ment ex­pres­sing your opi­ni­on on cli­ma­te chan­ge and its im­pact on the pla­net (180 words). Use the fol­lo­wing text chunks and terms­to help you:
  • Text chunks: In my opi­ni­on, ... | The evi­den­ce shows that ... | A nother im­portant aspect... | Howe­ver, |While some might argue that |On the other hand
  • Hel­pful terms: cli­ma­te chan­ge, green­house gases, car­bon foot­print, glo­bal tem­pe­ra­tures, se­ve­re weather events, re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy, solar power, wind power, awa­re­ness, edu­ca­ti­on
  • Plan your ans­wer be­fo­re you write, ask yours­elf:
    What is my stron­gest ar­gu­ment? Is there ano­ther opi­ni­on I need to adress? How do I con­vin­ce the rea­der?

Vo­ca­bu­la­ry trai­ning - Cli­ma­te Chan­ge

Match the vo­ca­bu­la­ry word on the left with its cor­re­spon­ding de­fi­ni­ti­on on the right.

a. a per­son who stu­dies or is an ex­pert in sci­ence

b. a ma­chi­ne or piece of equip­ment that uses en­er­gy

c. the pro­cess of con­ver­ting waste ma­te­ri­als into new ma­te­ri­als and ob­jects

d. the gases pro­du­ced by bur­ning fos­sil fuels

e. the re­moval of fo­rests, often to clear land for far­ming or other pur­po­ses

f. fuels such as coal, oil, and gas that are for­med from the re­mains of an­cient plants and ani­mals

g. sources of en­er­gy that are na­tu­ral­ly re­ple­nis­hed and can be used over and over again

1 Re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy sources

2 car­bon emis­sions

3 de­fo­re­sta­ti­on

4 fos­sil fuels

5 sci­en­tist

6 ap­pli­ance

7 re­cy­cling

1 g 2 d 3 e 4 f 5 a 6 b 7 c
1. carbon emissions 2. Recycling 3. fossil 4. Deforestation 5. Scientist 6. Appliance 7. Renewable
Fill in the blank with the cor­rect vo­ca­bu­la­ry word.

1. Many coun­t­ries are try­ing to re­du­ce their by pro­mo­ting the use of re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy sources.

2. is the pro­cess of brea­king down waste ma­te­ri­als and tur­ning them into new pro­ducts.

3. The bur­ning of fuels is one of the main cau­ses of cli­ma­te chan­ge.

4. is the re­moval of trees and other ve­ge­ta­ti­on from an area of land.

5. A is a per­son who stu­dies or is an ex­pert in sci­ence.

6. An is a ma­chi­ne or piece of equip­ment that uses en­er­gy.

7. en­er­gy sources are those that are na­tu­ral­ly re­ple­nis­hed and can be used over and over again.

Syn­onym Swap

Choo­se a topic or theme to write about. Some ideas may in­clu­de: a hobby or in­te­rest, a fa­vou­ri­te place to visit, a me­mo­ra­ble ex­pe­ri­ence, or a cur­rent event.
Write about the topic for a few mi­nu­tes, using words that come to mind na­tu­ral­ly. Don't worry about using syn­onyms at this stage.
Re­view your wri­ting and high­light any words that you feel are too re­pe­ti­ti­ve or could be re­placed with a syn­onym.
Using a the­sau­rus, look up syn­onyms for the high­ligh­ted words and sel­ect a few that you think would work well in the con­text.
Re­wri­te your wri­ting, re­pla­cing the ori­gi­nal words with the cho­sen syn­onyms.
Re­view your work and eva­lu­a­te how the use of syn­onyms has im­pac­ted the cla­ri­ty, flow and im­pact of your wri­ting.


Topic: A fa­vou­ri­te place to visit - the beach.

Ori­gi­nal wri­ting:

I love going to the beach. The beach is so beau­ti­ful. The beach is a great place to relax and have fun. I al­ways have a good time at the beach.

Syn­onym swaps:

I adore vi­si­ting the se­a­si­de. The coast is in­credi­b­ly stun­ning. The se­a­si­de is an ex­cel­lent lo­ca­ti­on to un­wind and enjoy yours­elf. I in­va­ri­a­b­ly have a sple­ndid time by the ocean.

Eva­lu­a­ti­on: The use of syn­onyms has added va­rie­ty and depth to the wri­ting, ma­king it more en­ga­ging and in­te­resting to read. The vo­ca­bu­la­ry has also been ex­pan­ded, which is a key com­po­nent of im­pro­ving the va­rie­ty in wri­ting and spe­a­king skills.
