• Writing a short story & Past Progressive (Diagnose)
  • anonym
  • 27.11.2023
  • Englisch
  • 7
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This is for Miss Manz:


I need to re­vi­se that!

I think I know it..

I know that well!

What to in­clu­de in a tra­vel re­port

Zum Be­ar­bei­ten der Zelle dop­pelt kli­cken

How to build the “past pro­gres­si­ve” (Ques­ti­ons, ans­wers with ne­ga­ti­ons, simp­le past vs. past pro­gres­si­ve)

SHIFT für Mehr­fach­aus­wahl

Si­gnal words for the simp­le past & past pro­gres­si­ve

Lin­king words/ Phra­sal verbs

I know some

out­door ac­ti­vi­ties and wild ani­mals (in Eng­lish)

I can build ad­ver­bi­al clau­ses (if it rains, the trails are wet.)

Vo­ca­bu­la­ry of the unit (

This is for mys­elf:
