• Writing a travel report
  • anonym
  • 29.11.2023
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Tra­vel re­port

use all of these places:
-on the shore, in a lake, in the fiel­ds

use all of these ac­ti­vi­ties:
-go swim­ming, go for a walk, go clim­bing
Time Ma­nage­ment

After wri­ting the

re­port, take at least 5 mi­nu­tes to read it again and check for mista­kes. What were your most com­mon msi­ta­kes in your last re­port?

Use lin­king words: alt­hough, even though, be­cau­se, if, so that, when, be­fo­re
Ans­wer the W-​questions (who,where,when,why,what) and use the simp­le past (ein­fa­che Ver­gan­gen­heit).
Make your re­port fun to read! De­scri­be fee­lings and use the com­pa­ra­ti­ve/ su­per­la­ti­ve!