• Writing an e-mail
  • anonym
  • 23.04.2024
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Wri­ting an e-​mail: Could you live wit­hout mo­dern de­vices?

Could you live wit­hout mo­dern de­vices?

Use the ar­gu­ments from the board.

Write an e-​mail to a fri­end about the ques­ti­on:

Could you live wit­hout mo­dern de­vices?
  • Use at least 3 ar­gu­ments
Ex­amp­le: Yes, be­cau­se I would spend more time out­si­de. / No, it would be bo­ring.
Ar­gu­ment 1:
Ar­gu­ment 2:
Ar­gu­ment 3:
Hel­pful phra­ses
  • I think I could / couldn't...

  • I be­lie­ve that...

  • In my opi­ni­on...

-One po­si­ti­ve / ne­ga­ti­ve thing about...

-For ex­amp­le...

  • ...be­cau­se...

  • Yours,

  • See you soon!

to: fri­end@mail.de
from: me@mail.de
sub­ject: Could you live wit­hout mo­dern de­vices?

How are you? I am wri­ting to you about the ques­ti­on: `Could you live wit­hout mo­dern de­vices?´. I think I...