• Writing an Email
  • J. Schmitz
  • 11.03.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10
Um die Lizenzinformationen zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte den gewünschten Inhalt an.
In our glo­bal di­gi­tal world, wri­ting an email is the most wi­de­ly used me­thod of cont­ac­ting others. On p.2 you will find an email, find la­bels for the fol­lo­wing lines:
  • l. 1:
  • l.2:
  • l.3:
  • l.4-5:
  • l.7-9:
  • l.10-15:
  • l.16-17:
Collect con­tent and vo­ca­bu­la­ry for the main bo­dy­of an email (that is the sec­tions bet­ween l. 3 - 17), high­light for­mal and in­for­mal lan­guage, as well as pos­si­ble dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween Eng­lish and other lan­gu­ages you might speak.

from friend@mailservice.com

subject: Out-​of-school activities

Hey fri­end,

I hope you're doing well and that school isn't too over­whel­ming at the mo­ment.

I wan­ted to reach out and ask you a ques­ti­on - what do you enjoy doing out­si­de of school?

I'm al­ways in­te­res­ted in hea­ring about people's hob­bies and in­te­rests. My cou­sin, for ex­amp­le, is a fan­ta­stic ar­tist and loves to paint in her free time. It's great to have so­me­thing to do that you enjoy and that helps you relax.

So, what do you like to do? Are you in­vol­ved in any sports teams, clubs or groups? Do you have a pas­si­on for music, wri­ting or any other crea­ti­ve ac­ti­vi­ty? I'm al­ways keen to learn about new things and would love to know more about what you enjoy doing.

Also, I'm cu­rious to know if your pa­rents en­cou­ra­ge you to parti­ci­pa­te in any ex­tra­cur­ri­cu­lar ac­ti­vi­ties. Do they have any sug­ges­ti­ons for you or do they let you choo­se on your own?

Thanks for ta­king the time to read this email. I can't wait to hear your re­spon­se!

Best re­gards,

from friend@mailservice.com

subject: Out-​of-school activities

Hey fri­end,

I hope you're doing well and that school isn't too over­whel­ming at the mo­ment.

I wan­ted to reach out and ask you a ques­ti­on - what do you enjoy doing out­si­de of school?

I'm al­ways in­te­res­ted in hea­ring about people's hob­bies and in­te­rests. My cou­sin, for ex­amp­le, is a fan­ta­stic ar­tist and loves to paint in her free time. It's great to have so­me­thing to do that you enjoy and that helps you relax.

So, what do you like to do? Are you in­vol­ved in any sports teams, clubs or groups? Do you have a pas­si­on for music, wri­ting or any other crea­ti­ve ac­ti­vi­ty? I'm al­ways keen to learn about new things and would love to know more about what you enjoy doing.

Also, I'm cu­rious to know if your pa­rents en­cou­ra­ge you to parti­ci­pa­te in any ex­tra­cur­ri­cu­lar ac­ti­vi­ties. Do they have any sug­ges­ti­ons for you or do they let you choo­se on your own?

Thanks for ta­king the time to read this email. I can't wait to hear your re­spon­se!

Best re­gards,




Write an anwer to this email (200 words), re­mem­ber to use the struc­tu­re and words pro­vi­ded on p.1