• RSB Lernwerkstatt E5 Unit4 3.Simple past
  • Walls
  • 06.02.2025
  • Englisch
  • 5
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Teil­ziel 4.3: SIMP­LE PAST
(= 1.Ver­gan­gen­heit)

Simp­le past

Ich weiß, was der Fach­be­griff simp­le past be­deu­tet.

to be im simp­le past

Ich kann die For­men von sein im simp­le past bil­den.

re­gu­lar forms

Ich kann Ver­ben in der re­gu­lä­ren Form im simp­le past bil­den.

ir­re­gu­lar forms

Ich kann Ver­ben in der ir­re­gu­lä­ren Form im simp­le past bil­den.

Ver­nei­nung im simp­le past

Ich kann in der Ver­gan­gen­heit Ver­nei­nung im Eng­li­schen bil­den.

Selbst­check: Simp­le past

Auf­ga­be 1

Auf­ga­be 2

Auf­ga­be 3

Auf­ga­be 4

Auf­ga­be 5

Auf­ga­be 6

Auf­ga­be 7

Auf­ga­be 8

Auf­ga­be 9

Auf­ga­be 10

Auf­ga­be 11

Auf­ga­be 12

Auf­ga­be 13

Auf­ga­be 14

Auf­ga­be 15

Auf­ga­be 15

Auf­ga­be 17

Auf­ga­be 18


New tense: SIMP­LE PAST

Du ver­wen­dest das SIMP­LE PAST, um über die Ver­gan­gen­heit zu spre­chen. Das SIMP­LE PAST kommt oft in Be­rich­ten, Ge­schich­ten und Er­zäh­lun­gen vor.

1. Simp­le past form of to be (war / warst / waren)

Be­jah­te Aus­sa­ge­sät­ze mit was/were

Watch the ex­pla­na­ti­on video (Er­klär­vi­deo) of Mrs B and write her entry (Heft­ein­trag) on the black board in your study book.
Fill in the cor­rect form of was or were in the gaps.

a) Ben   in Lon­don last year.

b) Yes­ter­day Kinga   at the zoo.

c) She   at the mon­key cage for a long time.

d) One of the mon­keys   re­al­ly funny.

e) Li and Kinga   at a bir­th­day party on Sa­tur­day.

f) We   at the party for a long time.

g) In 2011 the kids   still in kin­der­gar­den.

h) They   re­al­ly cute as litt­le kids.

Ver­nein­te Aus­sa­ge­sät­ze mit was/were

Copy the blue box into your study book:
Fill in the cor­rect form of was/were (+) or wasn't/weren't (-).

a) Jalen   (+) in town yes­ter­day. He   (-) at home.

b) Jalen's cou­sin and his mum and dad   (+) with him.

c) They   (+) at the ska­ting rink and Sme­a­ton's Tower.

d) The tower and the ska­ting rink  (-) open.

e) Ben   (-) at home. He   (+) at the shop­ping cent­re.

Ent­schei­dungs­fra­gen mit was/were

Fill in was or were and ans­wer with short ans­wers.

a)  you at the party yes­ter­day? - No,  .

b)   Sue with you? - Yes,  .

c)   the kids at the zoo? - Yes,  .

d)   he at the game on the weekend? - No,  .

e)   they sick last week? - No,  .

Let's fi­nish the simp­le past form with was/were with a litt­le test:

2. Simp­le past: Re­gu­lar forms

Die re­gu­lar form der Ver­ben im simp­le past bil­dest du aus dem In­fi­ni­tiv des Verbs und der En­dung -ed.

Watch the ex­pla­na­ti­on video (Er­klär­vi­deo) of Mrs B about the re­gu­lar forms in the simp­le past and write her entry (Heft­ein­trag) on the black board in your study book.
Write the simp­le past form of these re­gu­lar verbs.

a) act:   b) like: 

c) help:   d) want: 

e) watch:   f) clap: 

g) smile:   h) hurry: 

i) tra­vel:   j) play: 

Test yours­elf on the simp­le past re­gu­lar forms:

Simp­le past: Ir­re­gu­lar forms

Ei­ni­ge Ver­ben haben un­re­gel­mä­ßi­ge For­men im simp­le past. Auf der Seite 249 fin­dest du eine Liste aller un­re­gel­mä­ßi­gen Ver­ben aus Go Ahead 5. Diese musst du aus­wen­dig ler­nen!

Write the simp­le past form of these ir­re­gu­lar verbs. You can look at SB p.249.

a) have:   b) do: 

c) go:   d) tell: 

e) swim:   f) see: 

g) sit:   h) feel: 

i) write:   j) say: 

Do the exer­ci­ses on the simp­le past and the test on ir­re­gu­lar verbs in your mebis cour­se.
Make sen­ten­ces from the table. Use the verbs in the simple past form.

Ex­amp­le: a) I worked in the gar­den last weekend.

b) You 

c) He

d) She

e) We 

f) You 

g) They 

Do the test on mixed verb forms in the simp­le past in your mebis cour­se.

3. Simp­le past: Ver­nei­nung simp­le past

Watch the ex­pla­na­ti­on video (Er­klär­vi­deo) of Mrs B and write her entry (Heft­ein­trag) on the black board in your study book.
Fill in the gaps with the po­si­ti­ve and ne­ga­ti­ve forms of the simp­le past.

Ex­amp­le: All the pu­pils tal­ked , but Tom didn't talk. (to) talk

1. All the child­ren  , but Betty  . (to) laugh

2. Alex   by bike, but John   by bike. (to) come

3. Mr Brown   the film, but his wife   it. (to) see

4. Sally   TV, but her pa­rents  TV. (to) watch

Test yours­elf on the forms of the simp­le past.
Tell Tim's story. Fill in the cor­rect simp­le past forms of the
verbs in bra­ckets. Watch out: Some of the verbs are ir­re­gu­lar!

Tim   (get up) early. He   (have)

break­fast and   (do) his ho­me­work. Then he   (go) to the park with his dog, Sam. In the park he   (see) his neigh­bours Dave and Sally who   (ride) on their bikes. They   (come) back from the su­per­mar­ket where they   (buy) their break­fast. As the two   (stop) to say hello to Tim, Sally   (fall off) her bike be­cau­se Sam   (go) right in front of her bike. Sally   (be) sho­cked be­cau­se she   (land) on her back on the ground. She   (say) to Tom: Why   (you / not watch) your dog? Tom   (be) sorry. He   (lift) her bike up from the ground and  (help) her to get back on her feet. Tom   (say) good­bye and   (ex­plain) to his neigh­bours that he   (be) in a hurry. He   (re­turn) home and   (get) ready for school. Sam likes walks and when Tim   (leave) home for school, Sam   (run) after him. Tim  (not see) him until he   (be) at the bus stop. Then Tim   (see) Sam and  (take) him back home. Tim   (miss) his bus so he  (be) very late for school yes­ter­day.

Your Check: ​Unit 4


Test frei­schal­ten

Zum Skills Test ge­langst Du erst, nach­dem Du die Selbst­ein­schät­zung aus­ge­füllt hast.


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