• Active or Passive Voice - Nachschreiber
  • anonym
  • 28.09.2023
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Test 1

Con­text Star­ter
Chap­ter 1
WORDS - Fill in the mis­sing words and phra­ses from 'Words in Con­text'. The first let­ter of the words are al­re­a­dy given.
18 / 18
  • Ado­le­s­cents tend to e , try­ing out dif­fe­rent hob­bies, in­te­rests, and ac­ti­vi­ties to dis­co­ver what they're pas­si­o­na­te about.
  • Set­ting and working to­wards your p g is an im­portant part of gro­wing up and fin­ding your place in the world.
  • Ado­le­s­cents are often e to i from va­rious sources, but it's cru­cial to stay true to yours­elf even when under pres­su­re.
  • Life is full of op­por­tu­nities, and so­me­times, you need to t r to dis­co­ver new pos­si­bi­li­ties.
  • It's com­mon to y for s , but re­mem­ber that growth often hap­pens when you step out of your com­fort zone and em­brace chan­ge.
  • While it's na­tu­ral to r a autho­ri­ty at times, it's es­sen­ti­al to do so re­spect­ful­ly and with a clear pur­po­se.
  • Don't just s to the p to c ; in­s­tead, stri­ve to be a uni­que in­di­vi­du­al with your own thoughts and ideas.
  • Teen­agers should play an a r in sha­ping their lives and not just go along with the crowd as they c of a .
GRAMMAR - Active or passive: Complete the text about The Impact of Technology on Youth with the correct verb forms. Pay attention to the tenses.
13 / 13
  • Peer pressure (define) as the influence that (apply) by a teenager's peers, such as friends or classmates. It (play) a significant role in the lives of many adolescents, and it (affect) them in various ways.

    During adolescence, teenagers (feel) a strong need to fit in and be accepted by their peers. They want to be part of the group and (fear) rejection. This fear (drive) them to sometimes make choices that they (not necessarily agree) with. They often find themselves in situations where they (face) decisions that push them to conform to the expectations of their peer group.

    One common example of peer pressure is when a teenager (encourage) to try substances like alcohol or drugs, even if they (know) the risks associated with them. They (believe) that by doing so, they gain acceptance and approval from their friends. Unfortunately, this (lead) to negative consequences, such as addiction or health problems.
GRAM­MAR - Peer pres­su­re is not li­mi­ted to sub­s­tance use. Use the pas­si­ve voice to offer ge­ne­ral ad­vice to teen­agers re­gar­ding peer pres­su­re and va­rious aspects of a teen­ager's life, such as de­ci­si­ons about ap­pearance, re­la­ti­on­ships, and aca­de­mic choices. (Write 3 sen­ten­ces)

Ex­amp­le: Clo­thing choices should be in­flu­en­ced by per­so­nal com­fort and in­di­vi­du­al style, ra­ther than ex­ter­nal pres­su­res.
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