• Writing Skills
  • anonym
  • 14.01.2025
  • Englisch
  • 11
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Text Type Cha­rac­te­ristics

Match the sets of cha­rac­te­ristics with the cor­rect text type (blog post, news article, per­so­nal e-​mail or for­mal e-​mail).

  • poli­te and pro­fes­si­o­nal tone.

  • struc­tu­red with a clear sub­ject line, gree­ting, body, and clo­sing.

  • uses for­mal lan­guage and full sen­ten­ces.

  • may in­clu­de a re­quest or pro­vi­de de­tailed in­for­ma­ti­on.

  • often ends with Best re­gards, or Yours sin­ce­re­ly.

  • in­for­mal, con­ver­sa­ti­o­nal tone.

  • first-​person per­spec­ti­ve is com­mon.

  • often in­clu­des per­so­nal an­ec­do­tes or opi­ni­ons.

  • may ad­dress the rea­der di­rect­ly (e.g., Have you ever won­de­red...?).

  • in­clu­des hy­per­links or calls to ac­tion (e.g., Check out my la­test post).

  • for­mal and ob­jec­ti­ve tone.

  • fo­cu­sed on facts and in­for­ma­ti­on.

  • in­clu­des who, what, when, where, why, and how.

  • struc­tu­red in short pa­ra­graphs and often starts with a head­line.

  • does not di­rect­ly ad­dress the rea­der.

  • ca­su­al and con­ver­sa­ti­o­nal tone.

  • may in­clu­de ab­bre­vi­a­ti­ons, emo­jis, or slang.

  • often skips for­mal struc­tu­re (e.g., ca­su­al gree­tings like Hey! and clo­sings like Cheers).

  • short and to the point.

Iden­tify the text types of the sen­ten­ces.
  • Hey! Are we still on for lunch to­mor­row? Let me know!
  • I am wri­ting to in­qui­re about the availa­bi­li­ty of con­fe­rence rooms for a mee­ting sche­du­led on Fe­bru­ary 15th.
  • The an­nu­al film fes­ti­val at­trac­ted over 10,000 vi­si­tors this weekend, ma­king it the most suc­cess­ful event in its his­to­ry.
  • Last weekend, I fi­nal­ly tried the new sushi place down­town, and let me tell you, it was a game-​changer!
  • blog post
  • for­mal e-​mail
  • news article
  • per­so­nal e-​mail
Write your own sen­ten­ces matching a spe­ci­fic text type cha­rac­te­ristic and let the class guess. (easy: Write at least 2 sen­ten­ces, chal­len­ge: write four or more)